To see the prices, please select the product, with its respective option. You do not need to contact us directly.
- PLEASE READ: Due to COVID-19, some countries are not accepting packages because there are either having their borders closed or there are not enough flights for specific countries. For these countries, that are not accepting packages at the moment, we will hold your package in storage until shipping is available.
However, if your country is accepting parcels, by any method (Airmail, EMS, Surface), we will not hold your package, shipping fee will be sent normally and we will not accept cancellations.
We cannot longer give estimations for shipping fees because shipping methods for each country are different and each country has a different charge. Any questions regarding estimations for shipping fee prices will be ignored.
SHINee x JINRO Special Collaboration
Products are official from JINRO.
Stock is limited so be aware that once stock is sold out we might not be able to restock again.
This product does not include shipping fees.
Once a package is ready to ship an email will be sent to you with your shipping fee.
Shipping fee information will be sent on a week time after order has been received.
Shipping overseas will start after the shipping fee is paid.
An estimated shipping fee cannot be given due to COVID-19. Each country has its own rule so each package will be handle according to the updates the Korean Post Office gives us.
Please check our tag #storelicshipping on twitter to know the latest updates about how we are handling shipping from South Korea.
After you have placed your order cancellations are not allowed, under any circumstances.